DC Reception
Pictures from the reception at Martin's Crosswind in Greenbelt, Maryland, on September 8, 2007.
Festivities of the Wedding Week
Pictures from the wedding!! Thanks to many, many friends' and families' cameras we have every angle of the event covered. This album also contains a bunch of sub-albums with pictures of the rehearsal dinner and the other fun things we did during the week leading up to the wedding.
Engagement Ceremony and Dinners
Pictures from our Engagement Ceremony on January 27th, 2007 in Bethesda, dinner with both Raju and Courtney's families in Bethesda, and dinner with with Courtney's family in Johnson City, TN on January 28th.
Christmas Night - Dinner and the Proposal
Pictures of Raju cooking (gasp!), opening of presents, and the ring! (NOTE: pictures start on the second row of page 6, the previous pages are pictures of Christmas with my family)
A Day Out in Washington D.C.
Pictures from our quick trip to the Mall in D.C. Raju, Anu, Rhys, Nina, James, Courtney and Courtney's Mom (Debbie) enjoy the sites and the weather.