October 17, 2010

Day of the Dead Altar, San Antonio
I’ve visited San Antonio once, and I was lucky enough to be there around the time of year when Day of the Dead, or DÃa de los Muerto, is celebrated. So in addition to getting to see such wonders as the Blue Hole and all of the missions, I also got to see many, many beautiful altars, erected for loved ones who are no longer with us physically. Many of the altars were for family members, but this was also shortly after Katrina, so there were quite a few dedicated to the victims of Katrina as well. (more…)
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365 days of stories, My Art, Reminiscences by Courtney
September 29, 2010

Piggy, Florence
This little piggy went to the market, and he never came home. Instead, he became a rather ironic display piece.
The meat slicer is the penny-pincher’s best friend. Roast your own meat and slice for a sandwich. It will definitely be short of the $8.99 per pound you pay at the local grocery for sandwich meat. Not to mention better. I’m not sure how sliced ceramic tastes – probably not so good – but I’m pretty sure your own puerco is pretty damn good. Better than Virginia ham.
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365 days of stories, Italy, My Art by Courtney
September 27, 2010

Stairs, St. Peter’s Basilica
This picture is one of those literal pictures that doesn’t require too much story, too much explanation. Italy has any number of long, steep stairways that wind and curve their way up into the domes of various basilicas or towers. There was something special about this one, though, at the church of all churches, St. Peter’s Basilica.
The sunlight flooded in from above, gleaming off the rather pedestrian tiles (compared to the mosaics inside) and gave this photograph an other-worldly glow.
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365 days of stories, Italy, My Art, Rome by Courtney
September 26, 2010

Bird on a…, Sharjah
Teeny, tiny bird, what world did you come from? Perched on twine… or is it a rope, and you’re not so tiny after all? Your head blends with the blue canvas you’re perched against. What is that called again? Never mind, it’s time to sit still for a moment, take in the view, not bothering with silly details, before soaring to new heights.
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365 days of stories, My Art, Stream of Consciousness by Courtney
September 25, 2010

Elephant & Obelisk, Rome
Oh when the elephants, come marching in! When the elephants come marrr-ching in! Oh how I want to be in that square, when the elephants come marching in!
Elephant and Obelisk really has nothing to do with Louis Armstrong, but when I see this guy, he reminds me of the elephants in Disney’s Jungle Book, who marched and sang as they trampled through the countryside.
Which brings us to the Roman elephant. What is he doing here? Elephants don’t belong in Rome. Nor do obelisks. But here they are, a focal point of Piazza della Minerva. The obelisk is a bit easier to explain. (more…)
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365 days of stories, Italy, Music, My Art, not just a picture, Rome by Courtney