I forget.

January 25, 2008

My brain is mush. I don’t remember anything anymore. I don’t think this is a result of getting older, though, as I’m sure my parents or grandparents will tell me. I think it’s a result of the internet and easy accessibility to information. It’s because when we drive by a funny business sign in San Francisco, and try to remember it one block later, I think, “Oh, we can just look that up later.” We did, and I still don’t remember what it was, other than a strip club with a funny name up the street from City Lights bookstore.

I see the same with my photos. Once upon a time I made sure to either note everything or just mentally stash away the info. Now I comb wikipedia and take a look at the photos surrounding to determine where I was and what else I was looking at. Such as the above, “Oh, Pantheon, Raphael’s Tomb, Madonna of the Rock”.

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