Ghost Town

January 9, 2008

Carousel, Florence, Italy

Yesterday morning the sky was gray – huge, puffy gray clouds provided a few variances in the shade of gray. I had to stop for gas and there was an eerie quiet for a few minutes – which is odd considering the gas station is on a busy street, and I was there during rush hour.

Another one of those surreal, slo-mo moments.


I would rather be [fill in the blank].

January 8, 2008



January 6, 2008

Blue skies have come and gone, but they were here long enough for a good walk on the trail this morning with de Milo. Not much to report this weekend, except that I’ve almost made it through the October trip photos, editing, editing, editing.


Rain, rain, stay a day

January 4, 2008

Venice, where I wished I had galoshes

It’s a rainy, gray day. Storms have moved in and winds have howled all night long for two nights now. It sounds like there’s a waterfall in the breezeway. Some people pay good money for the soothing sound of a waterfall.

But I don’t mind – today gives me an excuse to wear my galoshes! And my red raincoat.

Happy Friday!


Slowly reworking the portfolio

January 3, 2008

The portfolio section is slowly getting updated with some new work. It’s about time, huh? Ba-by steps…

Click on that portfolio link above to go there – the one in the menu bar — next to that shop link that’s been coming soon for a year…