Milo’s cone is off! The ear seems to have healed nicely. He also finally got a bath, so he’s no longer King of Funk, though I think he kinda enjoyed that title.
Day in the Life
Instead of the Easter basket filled with chocolate, Mom has sent tulips the past two years for Easter. Maybe she read my smile post; maybe she just thought it would brighten my day. It did – my day and my table. Last year I rushed. I was excited to have […]
We had a fun trip to the emergency vet today, and now I’m drained. Milo hates me. Every time he bumps into something with his cone, he turns around and stares at me. I don’t blame him.
Tiffany (scream real loud) misunderstood when her date said “Let’s Go Dutch” Raju and I saw this last night on our way to the wine bar. I thought of Tiffany (scream real loud), not because I can see her in this get up, but just because her name is Tiffany […]
SUPER because I won 200 bucks! I never win anything! It was Raju’s money though, so I gave it back to him. Pretty decent return on $10 I think. Maybe I should manage the money 🙂 Tiffany came up this weekend – visiting on Super Bowl weekend is becoming a […]
Yes, it is a new year. And there’s no more James Brown. And I’m now trying to plan a wedding. Wow, is 2007 different. Even the weather is different. It is a beautiful day — 69 degrees officially, but my south facing porch’s thermometer is reading 93 (no way it […]
Maybe I will now be able to post a little more often. Between being sick and making presents and getting clothes out of storage to head home with, pre-Christmas was a tad hectic. But, the holidays were good, great, fantastic. My aunt and I made a wonderful Christmas dinner, including […]
Thursday was spent stuffing ourselves silly — well, not really. I never got extremely full like I usually do. So let me revise… Thursday was spent grazing on oysters, grits, and bloody marys, cheese, wine, mashed potatoes and gravy, prime rib and pie. It was a good day, not hectic, […]
It’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been a busy bee, yet I haven’t produced much 🙂 I have a lot of things in my head though, and I’m through with the weddings and such. In the meantime, enjoy the above pict. Life is one of my favorite […]