Actually, who even knew French poetic realism existed? I harbor an affinity for Casablanca, and Pèpè le Moko might be even better than Casablanca. Last night we decided to do dinner and a movie, but we didn’t think we had any Moroccan-themed movies (actually, we were right). Inspired by the […]
It’s Friday, and I think I just blew some snot into my caffè. Gross. Oh well, I guess that will just give it a slightly salty flavor. I’m readying myself for another weekend with a long to-do list, which I’m sure I won’t get through. In fact, most of the […]
It seems I’m in a D mood lately. Dependency, dreaming, domestication… DDD. This morning I had a realization how dependent I’ve become. I was thinking of going for a run or a bike ride, or both. I thought a bike ride on the trail would be nice, but I would […]
This picture posted on Flickr inspired me for the outdoor dining space. Of course, I don’t have enough room for all of those beautiful umbrellas, and Raju might kill me if I paint the side of the house (ala one of those HGTV shows we watched once upon a time, […]
It feels like a Monday, even though it is Tuesday. The first day back to work after a long weekend is always bleh, but the first day back after spending the weekend cleaning is even more bleh. It feels like there was no break, no special day off. Oh well, […]
This site sooooo reminds me of my early voodoo series. Devaney’s Hell The inspiration for studies in Voodoo
This weekend I was finally able to recapture that feeling I had in Manihi, that feeling of freedom, wind in my hair, propelling myself forward at a fast clip by only the power of my own two legs. That feeling of riding a bike. Three years ago (three!!) I wrote […]
I cannot believe I’ve been writing this blog for over 4 years now. From the first post in Missouri with Milo enjoying the fresh air to the latest hiatus followed by domestic bliss, it’s interesting to read what I was up to then and the thoughts that swirled through my […]
Family and Dining Room “I wouldn’t call myself much of a planner. I’m more a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants gal, moment to moment, yeah, that’s me.”– Vivian Ward, Pretty Woman Even though that line is from a prostitute, it pretty much sums up my views on planning. I hate planning and like to […]
We spent the earlier part of this year searching for a house, then we finally found one, put in an offer, luckily didn’t get that one, found another (which we actually had found previously, but it took us a while to decide it was right), found out someone else had […]