Stepping Stones, Heian Gardens After choosing this way, then this way, and finally, this way, I end up at a beautiful, lily-filled pond. Gingerly, I step onto the first stone. Now I’m precariously perched over water, feeling at once that I’m floating, that I’m walking on water, but that I’m […]
Alice’s Conundrum Meandering through Heian’s gardens I stumbled upon this sign and stood, staring, awaiting the Cheshire cat to appear. ‘Cheshire Puss,’ she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. ‘Come, it’s pleased so […]
Peace Lantern, Golden Gate Park To give myself a good kick in the pants to start posting more often, I thought I’d share some of the stories behind my photographs. Starting today, I’ll be posting one story of each photograph. Some may be short, some may be long, some may […]
Buddha, Golden Gate Park, 2010 You’ve heard that before, many times, if you’re still out there. I’ve finally gotten around to fixing the look of the blog, and the rest of the site should follow in its footsteps shortly, along with getting my Gallery fixed and ZenCart running (if you […]
So tonight, the hubby is out. I decided to sit down, have a bottle of wine, and unwind. Checking the Netflix queue I settled upon Food, Inc. to watch, probably because of a quiz on YumSugar today about the same movie. I was perusing the CB2 catalog, and half-watching this […]
For about a year or two, I’ve been meaning to move my blog from blogger to WordPress, but being the procrastinator-extraordinaire, it’s just now happening. Unfortunately, this means I’ve broken a few things on the site that I now get to fix. Oh joy! Hopefully these things will get fixed […]
Remember laundry day in college? Where every shred of clothing you owned was dirty. Dirty, not just worn once or twice. I loved that the building I lived in had 10+ washers and dryers in the basement, because I generally had 6 or 7 loads of laundry to do at […]
Funnily enough, I find myself craving gingerale now. I know “Brilliant!” is Guiness’s schtick, but I think the use of these 1950s illustrations to make hilarious commercials deserves a “Brilliant!”. And a toast, with a Jack and Ginger, or something equally Schwepps-tastic.
And my brain continues at a snail’s pace. My past week+ has been taken up with a nervous stomach over Milo, and the ups and downs a parent might feel. First, worried about his surgery (torn ACL). Followed by happy that he was coming home. Followed by worry that he […]
Apparently this is a popular title for me. I saw this commercial last night and my first thought was “Island of Misfit Toys!!!”. I always loved this part, partially because of the polka-dotted elephant. I should make myself one. Then I saw the iPhone come in, and the rest of […]