Actually, here it is more of a pssssssssssss. Instead of the rotating sprinkler heads these just spew water once a day in all directions. It took me about a week to figure out what the noise was. I would wake up in the morning (early morning, 4 or 5 am) […]
I got a little change in my pocket going jingle lingle lingWant to call you on the telephone baby I give you a ringBut each time we talk I get the same old thingAlways no huggin’ no kissin’ until I get a wedding ringMy honey my baby don’t put my […]
When I was little, my Nin had a weiner dog named Tigger, and he hated me. Really, the dog was jealous of me the way siblings are of each other. Only instead of pinching me and tattling, he liked to growl and bite. We came home from the grocery store, […]
Ivy aboveRocket Man playsWe twirlIn our universeA crescendi of (car) hornsFade away
He’s not really old — acts a lot like a puppy, in fact. Especially today… he finally decided the waves of the Pacific Ocean aren’t his enemies. The Old Man and the Sea is just one of my favorite books and Hemingway one of my favorite authors.
A modern day L.A. Story – I’ve never seen anything like this (I apologize for the crappy picture but it was dark out). For the weekend, we spent the weekend in Carmel-by-the-Sea. The first night we sit down for dinner and start with a cheese plate. I thought the cheese […]
To the glass being half-full… even if it looks like less than half 🙂
My life now fits in small, rectangular boxes. And those boxes tell me when to pick up the phone, when to go to the post office, when to eat, when to quit working, when to sleep. I don’t like this much organization in my life. I hate that Microsoft is […]
I’ve never cared for baseball. My favorite part of the game is sitting in the sun, sipping a beer and having a polish dog — I could care less what’s going on in the game. Maybe it’s because the first pro-game I witnessed was the KC Royals, who have a […]