I know Pier 39 is a huge tourist trap, but I can’t help myself. It offers great people watching and sea lions. Watching marine life always makes me wish I hadn’t said, “I don’t want to immerse myself in 4 years of science, so screw the dream of becoming a […]
Almost one year in California, and I haven’t heard thunder or seen a lightning strike since I’ve been here. Today, it’s rumblin’ outside. Not constant, just every once and a while. And it looks nothing like Kansas out there 🙂 I can’t believe I lived in Tornado Country for 7 […]
This is a major triumph for me. I’ve turned this orchid over, caught its petals in the screen door, and yet it still survives. I am amazed.
Beautiful day in Santa Cruz at the Aloha Grill. After having a plate lunch there I am craving Hawaiian macaroni salad. I’ve tried making it, but just can’t get it right.
As a child I had a fear that I would end up in a hospital needing an operation. And, that at the precise moment the doctor was getting ready to operate on me, somewhere in the universe and alien would be operated on at the same time, and that would […]
Tonight it was candlelight dinner for one, which has just driven home the fact that I’m alone. Even as a kid I felt alone – and I was surrounded by people who cared about me and loved me. I’m a loner; I don’t really like people. Or maybe it’s just […]
I’ve found that making a soundtrack for my yoga practice helps tremendously. Plus, it’s the music that puts me in a relaxed state, not what some fitness instructor or corporation that made a yoga DVD and CD thinks relaxes me. Instead of ocean waves and birds I have classical music, […]
Reading an article on my.aptrick.com this morning revived a funny memory – though this anti-climatic story may be one of those “you had to be there” stories. February – Chicago. To say it’s cold is an understatement. It’s the kind of weather where you wear wool sweaters over long sleeve […]
When I woke up this morning, my room was still semi-dark. It was gray and overcast outside. The room was slightly chilly, and all I wanted to do was scrooch back beneath the covers where it was warm. It’s 10 am, and my house is still only 69 degrees inside. […]