
304 posts

Sea lions

I know Pier 39 is a huge tourist trap, but I can’t help myself. It offers great people watching and sea lions. Watching marine life always makes me wish I hadn’t said, “I don’t want to immerse myself in 4 years of science, so screw the dream of becoming a […]

Storm’s a brewin’

Almost one year in California, and I haven’t heard thunder or seen a lightning strike since I’ve been here. Today, it’s rumblin’ outside. Not constant, just every once and a while. And it looks nothing like Kansas out there 🙂 I can’t believe I lived in Tornado Country for 7 […]

Mothership, this is pod 094258

Tonight it was candlelight dinner for one, which has just driven home the fact that I’m alone. Even as a kid I felt alone – and I was surrounded by people who cared about me and loved me. I’m a loner; I don’t really like people. Or maybe it’s just […]

Snotting on Boss

Reading an article on this morning revived a funny memory – though this anti-climatic story may be one of those “you had to be there” stories. February – Chicago. To say it’s cold is an understatement. It’s the kind of weather where you wear wool sweaters over long sleeve […]

Fall is here

When I woke up this morning, my room was still semi-dark. It was gray and overcast outside. The room was slightly chilly, and all I wanted to do was scrooch back beneath the covers where it was warm. It’s 10 am, and my house is still only 69 degrees inside. […]


Pale Ale and yogurt mix on the ferry to Sausalito. Found some great art at the Sausalito Art Festival. Check out these 3 artists (Pappy, you will appreciate the first two): Larry Stephonson, Audrey Heller, and Emerson Matabele.