I was walking back from the park today when 3 bikers passed by me. The first two were a boy and an older guy (not sure if this was dad, uncle, big brother). About 2 or 3 seconds later a girl came following behind. All were driving somewhat erratically, expecially […]
Not as cold as Kansas, but still, it’s quite chilly — 30s and 40s. It’s California kold (cold for us, but not really in the scheme of things, hence the “k” — fake cold 🙂 a new courtney-ism). It was quite funny to hear all the weather reporters talk about […]
My friend Tiff was in town, so off we went to discover the Haight. We found an awesome bar with some really friendly patrons. Luckily it was warm inside, and I got to see the Licking Wildcats t-shirt I had heard about. You see, my friend Tiff gets to travel […]
Again. Everything was in tune, bouncing to the beat. Then everything went blank. In a matter of minutes. Currently, my brain is not accepting any input. It needs to be shocked back to life. Defibrillator anyone?
Nicola Conte had the entire house in a trance. Milo’s head bobbed up and down to the music as he stared down the toy squirrel. My icons bounced up and down in the dock. But me — well, I stayed perfectly still, enjoying the moment, legs in lotus and my […]
As a child I had very few dreams that I remembered. There was one, however, that rocked me, and is still as vivid to me today as it was the morning I woke up. The automatic doors slid open with a whoosh as I stepped into a record store the […]
As a kid I had a little yellow tea pot, with yellow tea cups. Nin would serve coffee-milk to me… more milk than coffee. Cafe du Monde weened me onto coffee. I would make lattes with 2/5 coffee, 3/5 milk, and 6 sugar cubes. Now I drink the black stuff.
The golden sunlight was streaming through the trees as Heather and I wandered down the pea gravel path to the cul-de-sac. We discussed topics of no consenquence until we emerged at the end of the path. That’s when I looked to the left and was taken aback. “Uh-oh. Courtney’s going […]
Arnaud, my friend, saw nothing strange whatever about having breakfast in a bathrobe on the Champs-Elysees. “They can see that you’ve had an accident,” he said. “The bathrobe is full of blood.”“That makes it all right, does it?” I asked.“It’s all right with me,” he said. “As for them, je […]
1. What time did you get up this morning? Sometime between 7 or 8 am. 2. Diamonds or pearls?Both, but I love the colored stones. Black or yellow pearls, blue or yellow diamonds. Always wanting something different 🙂 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?It’s been […]