
304 posts

It’s k-k-k-kold.

Not as cold as Kansas, but still, it’s quite chilly — 30s and 40s. It’s California kold (cold for us, but not really in the scheme of things, hence the “k” — fake cold 🙂 a new courtney-ism). It was quite funny to hear all the weather reporters talk about […]

Licking MO

My friend Tiff was in town, so off we went to discover the Haight. We found an awesome bar with some really friendly patrons. Luckily it was warm inside, and I got to see the Licking Wildcats t-shirt I had heard about. You see, my friend Tiff gets to travel […]


Again. Everything was in tune, bouncing to the beat. Then everything went blank. In a matter of minutes. Currently, my brain is not accepting any input. It needs to be shocked back to life. Defibrillator anyone?

Missione A Bombay

Nicola Conte had the entire house in a trance. Milo’s head bobbed up and down to the music as he stared down the toy squirrel. My icons bounced up and down in the dock. But me — well, I stayed perfectly still, enjoying the moment, legs in lotus and my […]

Cowboys and Indians

As a child I had very few dreams that I remembered. There was one, however, that rocked me, and is still as vivid to me today as it was the morning I woke up. The automatic doors slid open with a whoosh as I stepped into a record store the […]

Coffee Time

As a kid I had a little yellow tea pot, with yellow tea cups. Nin would serve coffee-milk to me… more milk than coffee. Cafe du Monde weened me onto coffee. I would make lattes with 2/5 coffee, 3/5 milk, and 6 sugar cubes. Now I drink the black stuff.

Apes in the Mist

The golden sunlight was streaming through the trees as Heather and I wandered down the pea gravel path to the cul-de-sac. We discussed topics of no consenquence until we emerged at the end of the path. That’s when I looked to the left and was taken aback. “Uh-oh. Courtney’s going […]

A night with Jupiter, a morning croissant

Arnaud, my friend, saw nothing strange whatever about having breakfast in a bathrobe on the Champs-Elysees. “They can see that you’ve had an accident,” he said. “The bathrobe is full of blood.”“That makes it all right, does it?” I asked.“It’s all right with me,” he said. “As for them, je […]