
304 posts

Heffelumps and Woozles

My job tends to be a drain on me. All I want to do when I can finally shut down my work is drink. Anything to try to kill the braincells I have accumulated during the day. I only wish when I drank I could pinpoint which braincells to kill. […]

Rotten Buttermilk

This time last week (well, almost, it was actually Friday morning) I was driving up 75 in Florida. I’m staring to have great nostalgia when I go back to the southeast, since it’s been almost 10 years since I left, and I don’t go back as often now. As I […]


I took this picture when I was walking Milo on the trail Friday morning — I wondered if these were blueberries or not. Fast forward to Monday, March 27th — I just now realized I took this picture and posted it. Friday was such a whirlwind of a day at […]

Walkin’ the Line

A month or two ago, the boyfriend and I went to see Walk the Line. Very good movie, I recommend picking it up if you haven’t seen it, even if you don’t care for Cash’s music. The theater was pretty packed that evening, and something happened that I found very […]

Sunday Stroll

My mind is still very much stuck in a kid’s mentality. Bright colors and shiny objects attract my attention easily. Yesterday was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, the sky was the brilliant color of blue I love (doesn’t rival the southwest desert’s blue, but close enough), big fluffy […]

Mafia elves beat me at night

I had blood drawn last Thursday. At the time, I thought the doctor did a terrific job — it took a split second, he didn’t beat on my veins like some of the nurses do, it was over in a flash. Thursday my arm hurt; Friday my arm hurt; Saturday […]

A weekend in wine country

While departing for our weekend got off to a rocky start (not going to focus on that) and ended with a somewhat rocky departure (also not going to focus on that), what was in between was a fun, fun time. This weekend was the annual Barrel Tasting weekend in the […]