
304 posts

Tutti-Fruiti; Dancing Bagboys

Let’s see, where was I… Oh yes! The Manihi Airport! Day 2 of our travels. So we land, and all we see is a small almost-hut. It’s a shady spot with some thatching over it and a couple of benches. So, to recap, hut, mini-runway strip next to ocean, and […]

Leis and Strays

Amazingly, I was comfortable on the plane ride to Tahiti from LA. I had spent the past two days on planes criss-crossing the country, and even though I was excited to be going to Tahiti, I didn’t know how I would fare for day three of flying, especially on the […]

Devaney’s Hell

I wish I had the original story for this set of images. Devaney was an art history professor that I loathed. She taught a freshman class that was a survey of “modern” art. Devaney fancied herself a formalist, and therefore, didn’t have to tell us anything interesting about the meaning […]

The inspiration for studies in Voodoo

Many times people ask me where the interest in voodoo came from. It was born from a period much like the one I’m in now. My creative mind was stale — I had no thoughts, no originality, no will to produce or create anything. For 4 or 5 weeks I […]

Moonlit nights

I love swimming in the moonlight. The water is a black ink enveloping my body, and I feel so alone — but in a good way. The water is warm, and I feel safe. This is one of the few things I miss about the high school/college days. In the […]