The rest of the days in Manihi sort of blurred together. They were fun, to be sure. We moved from spot to spot sunning, making fun of the French that looked as if it were such a bother for them to be in this paradise. So, for now I’ll just […]
Let’s see, where was I… Oh yes! The Manihi Airport! Day 2 of our travels. So we land, and all we see is a small almost-hut. It’s a shady spot with some thatching over it and a couple of benches. So, to recap, hut, mini-runway strip next to ocean, and […]
Day 2 of our trip. We awoke in Tahiti around 6 am, which will be a trend for the entire trip, but not a problem. I was definitely ready to go check out the beach. I suspected it was a black sand beach from what I could see from the […]
Amazingly, I was comfortable on the plane ride to Tahiti from LA. I had spent the past two days on planes criss-crossing the country, and even though I was excited to be going to Tahiti, I didn’t know how I would fare for day three of flying, especially on the […]
This time last week I was just finishing my morning snorkel beneath our bungalow. Today I’m eating fruit and cheese reminiscing about my trip, wishing I was still there. More to come about the trip… Stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy the photos in Travels.
As promised many months ago I have given the diary my own look instead of the standard blogger template from before. It’s only the start — there will be some more additions to come. I need some eye candy on here 🙂 I’m slowly rolling the look out to the […]
I wish I had the original story for this set of images. Devaney was an art history professor that I loathed. She taught a freshman class that was a survey of “modern” art. Devaney fancied herself a formalist, and therefore, didn’t have to tell us anything interesting about the meaning […]
Many times people ask me where the interest in voodoo came from. It was born from a period much like the one I’m in now. My creative mind was stale — I had no thoughts, no originality, no will to produce or create anything. For 4 or 5 weeks I […]
I love swimming in the moonlight. The water is a black ink enveloping my body, and I feel so alone — but in a good way. The water is warm, and I feel safe. This is one of the few things I miss about the high school/college days. In the […]