And also birthday month – 7 close-family birthdays in all. The boyfriend did not believe me when I said birthday cards for the month would be between $20 and $30. I was right.
I wonder why the witches in Harry Potter don’t look like the one above? I’ve had this witch and cauldron music box since I was in third grade – around the time my parents split up. Ninny Hobson bought it for me.
It plays the theme from Phantom of the Opera. After my parents divorced I would cry at the drop of a hat, especially slow songs made me just bawl my eyes out (I can’t remember the specific songs, but occasionally I hear one of those 80s ballads and it brings back the memories). I would wind up this music box and just watch it turn, and I would cry and cry and cry.
It took a few years, but I got over it. I can wind it up now and listen to it without crying. Which is more than I can say for getting over “Good-Bye”. Any sort of good-bye still makes me tear up. As do natural disasters, movies with father-daughter separation (The Little Mermaid was hell to watch), and too much teasing when I’m in a mood. Oh, and extreme frustration and failure. Now you know how to turn on the water works.